Interior Design Colour Wheel. Hue is commonly used interchangeably with the word color but technically refers to the pure spectrum colors in the color wheel. Though there are countless variations of the color wheel the most common model is a wheel of twelve hues that comprises three core colors and their derivatives.
Use the Feng Shui Colour Wheel Our feng shui colour wheel will make the job of decorating your home with balanced and harmonious feng shui energy very easy. Its perfect if youre hoping to create a monochrome palette. A colour wheel is the best place to start as it shows all the main colours you will be working with.
Color Wheel Company.
In interior design the color wheel provides a visual representation of colors arranged according to their chromatic relationship. Interior Design Color Wheel Helps You Harmonize Your Interior Design Projects. Interior designers artists and architects have all learned the theory. Hue is commonly used interchangeably with the word color but technically refers to the pure spectrum colors in the color wheel.