How To Select Colors For Your Home. This is a good strategy for a bedroom where you want to rest and recover. In general analogous color schemes colors next to each other on the color wheel such as blue and green are more casual and relaxing and work best in informal or private spaces.
The color wheel above can do many things but its essentially a tool that helps us. Do you have a clear favorite color. Since youll be using this color palette in your whole home the colors you choose will be used in different ways in each room to keep it interesting.
Before you break out the brushes and rollers for your bedroom walls here are a few tips for helping you find the perfect color combo for your space.
A neutral -- Tan gray blue. Learn the best ways to use each color and each hues unique traits. Install Light Colors in Small Rooms. Color is the number one thing people get caught up in when trying to choose art often because theyre trying to find something that matches with the other colors in the room.