How To Read Roof Truss Plans. Select Build Framing Roof Truss from the menu then click and drag a line at a location where you would like a roof truss. Personnel can deliver your truss order directly to your job site.
So for example a dimension string that reads. On-time delivery means youll have the trusses when you need them. This stands for F eet I nches S ixteenths.
Reprinted from the Commentary Recommendation for Handling Installing Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses HIB-91 by permission of Truss Plate Institute Inc.
Trusses may have symmetrical profiles but the loads they carry may not be symmetrical. SRR - How to Read a Truss Design Drawing This four-page document presents a generic truss design drawing with color-coded explanations for every item of information contained therein. The slope or depth span and spacing and location of all joints. 4 STORAGE Trusses should be stored in a stable position to prevent.