How To Make A Graphic Design Business Card. Before one starts to work on a business card design do a research of your clients business. Set the page sizeAs mentioned for this exercise we will be using the North American standard of 35 x 2 inches.
Step 1 - Search for a Business Card Template Open a new document in Word. Next pick the template that caught your attention and start customizing. Graphic designers like yourself are capable of designing a personal business card thanks to the skills that you have gained because of your professionBeing creative and experimental with various color schemes design concepts shapes and other artistic stuff certainly sounds pretty easy.
Now select the New option on the left of the screen to display common templates.
This clever business card shows the shops logo grasping a real pencil and surrounded by inspirational quotes about graphic design. Before one starts to work on a business card design do a research of your clients business. How to make business cards Open a new pageOpen Canva on your desktop or launch the app to get started. In just a few minutes you can create something that will resonate with both new and prospective customers.