How To Create Game Room In Pubg Mobile. However on selecting Create Room it shows that You are Unauthorized to create room. Now click on Room at the bottom of your screen.
How to create room in pubg mobile 2021pubg main room kaise banaye season 17PUBG NEW ROOMroom card use kaise karenHOW TO CREATE ROOM IN PUBG MOBILE HOW. Mobile players on iOS and Android can now jump into their very own bite-sized version of the popular battle royale game PUBG. You wont be able to create a custom server or match just yet.
Rooms in PUBG mobile are used to host custom matches where the player who creates the room can set the map.
When you move to the games home page you can find a very small house icon on the left side under the mode selection menu. It is valid for 3 days. Mobile players on iOS and Android can now jump into their very own bite-sized version of the popular battle royale game PUBG. However on selecting Create Room it shows that You are Unauthorized to create room.